Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One Little Word 2009

In keeping with my "non-resolution" resolution post from a couple of days ago, I have decided to join Ali Edwards in her One Little Word 2009. If you're not familiar with it, you basically choose one word that is your mantra for the new year. For me, in keeping with my other post, I knew immediately that my word was balance. I'm an excellent multi-tasker but like I said before, it is easy for me to push aside things that I deem aren't as necessary as other things and then things like creating, don't get done (or get postponed and postponed for long periods of time).

I do A LOT - not just running the store. We ALL do a lot. I know that and that is why prioritizing and having a list, written or mental, helps keep it all straight. But, I also have no doubt that as busy as 2008 was, that 2009 will be even more busy. I did a good job in 2008 of realizing that I can't do it all. I did some delegating of certain tasks, which was/is very hard for me to do. I paid people to do things I could do, but didn't want to do (like yardwork) and tried really hard to think about whether the time I could spend doing something was worth the cost of that time. For stuff like yard chores (which I LOATHE), I decided I'd be a happier person to just pay someone. As a result, I have a spiffy upgraded Koi pond that requires little maintenance - unlike the old pond which needed tending to almost daily. Yuck! I plan to continue this and maybe expand it a bit.

I want to do more delegating and maybe even hire someone to help me at the store later in the year. We'll see how things go but I do know that my virtual plates are already piling up with tasks for 2009.

So for me, my word this year is BALANCE. Back in the day when I did gymnastics the balance beam was always my favorite, with uneven bars as a close second. I loved the the challenge of doing things that I could do in floor exercises on a 4 inch piece of wood. The height, the texture of the was exhilarating. Maybe that feeling is why I thrive on making all the pieces of my life work. Who knows? But, I do love it and I know I could do it better. So, for 2009, BALANCE is the key and I want to bring that into focus. With that comes prioritizing, having the courage to say no (or yes!) to things and knowing when it is time to just shut off the computer, the Blackberry, the music and just take a few minutes and a hot bath. I am all too guilty of getting wrapped up in the "I have to do this and this and this and this and this" syndrome. Sometimes that just has to happen but I know it isn't healthy to have that be the norm. I need to better balance my health (gotta make those doctor's appointments! in Jan!), my personal savings, my spending on the store (I am a small business and need to realize that I can't stock everything that everyone wants) and a few other things.

There were a few other strong contenders for my word including simplify, prioritize, possibility and dare but I think that balance sort of encompasses a little bit of each of those. Don't be surprised if you see this graphic appear every so often as I give you my Balance Check throughout the year. I ordered a very simple necklace from Lisa Leonard Designs to wear as a reminder. For me, that is huge. I don't wear jewelry - any - and will probably take some getting used to for me, having this thing flopping around on me. It is the single tag necklace and comes with a little pearl. Simple, elegant and something I think I can wear every day.

If you don't know about Ali, you should definitely head over there and check her out. She is amazing.

OK, I really think this is my last post for 2009. I've got a big day and night planned so take care!


Carolyn Mustopa said...

Amen! I'm a big believer in lists -- don't know why I don't use them more often. Especially as I get older and more absent-minded each year!

Here's to a year of better balance, and the hope that this particular delegatee gets her act together a little better!

Joan said...

Best wishes for a totally balanced 2009, with an occasion tip towards the Fun Side. Happy New Year Kate!

Ann said...

Funny, I chose balance as my word, too. I have yet to journal about it's on the to-do list in the coming days.

{pam} said...

thanx for your inspiration and for sharing your one little word! i, too, need balance . . . but a much better word for me would be serenity. i wish you the best in achieving balance in 2009!!! off to check out ali's blog about this subject.