Sunday, January 25, 2009

CHA - Day One - HELLO!!!!

Today is the first day of CHA. Woo-hoo!!! I've got my comfy shoes and I'm ready to scout out lots of new goodies!!!

I'll be trying to take in as much as possible today, getting an overview of as much of everything as I can so that I can plan the rest of my week. I've decided to have various design team members help me with my CHA coverage. Today I've got Carolyn AND Lori covering for me. Yes, I expect it will take both of them to cover it all!

I'm sure anything cupcake related I'll send to Carolyn so if that is your "thing," you'll definitely want to make sure you check in there.

I'll be sending them both sneak peeks and they'll be posting throughout the day so hop on over and check in. They'll have different things so you'll want to check both. My hope is that at the end of the night I'll post a recap here as well, but that will depend on how tired I am!

Thanks for stopping by!

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